Monday, April 16, 2012

Associative Argument Assignment

I am thinking of going back to my research paper or my technical autobiography for my associative argument assignment.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

WriteRoom Review

My review will look at WriteRoom as a writing tool. WriteRoom is a Word processor for Mac and iOS devices and calls itself "distraction free writing." It is an alternative to Microsoft Word and costs $10. I will look at its visual arrangement, its effectiveness as a writing tool, and the flexibility it provides for users.

Visual Arrangement

WriteRoom's most appealing feature is its full screen mode, in which the entire screen turns black while the text you type is grey (or whatever color you choose, if you wish to customize it). All you can see in this mode is what you type. When you put it in full screen, all of the clutter at the bottom of your screen (email alerts, open browsers, etc) go away. Here is a screenshot of WriteRoom:

It is simple, unlike Microsoft Word, which underlines any typo and autocorrects most of what you type. Here is a screenshot of Microsoft Word:

Notice all the squiggly red lines, in addition to all of the clutter on the dock at the bottom of the screen. WriteRoom doesn't do any of this. If you make a typo, you won't know until you choose to run spellcheck. WriteRoom centers your text to the middle of the screen, so when you finish typing a line the text moves up. I find this draws focus onto what is presently being typed. The user has no choice but to focus on what he or she is typing because all of the distractions are gone.

Effectiveness as a wrtiting tool

I find it highly effective as a writing tool. When using it, I find it causes me to focus on my writing. I'm currently writing this review on WriteRoom and I do not feel the temptation to open an internet browser and explore the web, like I often do when using Word. I imagine this is the kind of focus that using a typewriter would provide a writer. It's a good way to get all of your ideas down and not judge yourself by your page count or word count.

Flexibility for writers

Most of the features it provides are customizable. The text and background colors can be changed. The font size and automatic saving features can also be changed. What's nice about WriteRoom is that all of those features are hidden away in the file menu, which you cannot see unless you move your curser to the top of the screen. When you are writing you do not need to see the file menu or anything else that may divert your attention from the text.


I find WriteRoom to be a very good online Writing tool. It borrows from the simplicity of the past where all a writer had in front of them was the text which they were writing. That's how writers have written for centuries and it seems that many "distraction free" writing tools are available now, which implies that writers are looking for programs that help them focus. WriteRoom seems geared toward creative writers. If you are writing a five page essay for school it may not be the best since it does not have a page count. The black screen as the background is very easy on the eyes too, which counters Microsoft Word's blinding white screen. WriteRoom's purpose is to provide the user with a writing tool that allows him or her to be alone with their ideas with no distractions and I think it accomplishes this.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Criteria and Notes

What is the visual arrangement?
Simple. Blacked out screen forcing you to focus on the text you are typing.

How effective is it as a writing space?
It seems quite effective.

Are their ads?
No ads.

How much control and flexibility does the user have?
The user can change most of the settings. Everything from the color and size of the text to the color of the background screen can be customized.

Does it accomplish what it proposes (is it really "distraction free")?
Yes. There really are no distractions when the screen is blacked out.

Can you add photos and links?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Criteria for Writing Space

I will look at WriteRoom and compare it to Microsoft Word. The purpose of WriteRoom is to provide a distraction-free writing space for writers, so my review will be based on how effective it is in accomplishing this. It is marketed toward creative writers who want to get away from email alerts and other distractions that accompany using a computer for writing.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Political Blogs

I found a few political blogs on some websites including Politico and Daily Kos. I don't really read blogs or political news so this was a new experience. Daily Kos had an interesting blog called "Texas Really Hates Mitt Romney." The title sums up what it is about, as does the unflattering picture of Mitt Romney. According to the blog, Rick Santorum has gone from 1% to 45% while Mitt Romney remains at 16%. It is a short blog, as most of the ones I read were.

Political blogs appeal to emotion and not logic. They provoke feelings in people because they know that people are not often swayed from their political beliefs. The blogs reinforce their preconceived notions.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Middle Class Low-Techness

The story of Jill and Sally in Literate Live in the Information Age most resemble my own story of technology.  When I was a kid I remember using the computer labs in school to play math games and The Oregon Trail. The math games were fun and going to the computer lab was always cool. Like Jill and Sally, when I was a kid my parents bought a desktop pc for the family.  It was really crummy in today's standards but at the time it was awesome. It was a 1995 Windows HP. I mostly played computer games and demos of computer games. I also used it to write papers for school. We didn't get the internet until we bought a better computer in 2001.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The most important technologies in my life

Internet: The internet provides endless amounts of knowledge and is an awesome way to procrastinate from real-life duties.

Macbook Air: My Macbook is light enough to bring everywhere without breaking my neck.

Email: A great way to communicate with people I don't want to talk to.

Text messaging: See above.

Cell phone / smart phone: Phone and internet access wherever I go is always nice.

Electric guitar: Allows me to play my guitar loudly.

Film: Allows the preservation of events. Movies are awesome--except for chick flicks.

Recording devices: Allows for music to be preserved. Music is awesome--except for rap.

Printing press: Allows for books to be produced. Books are awesome--except for Twilight.

Car / motorcycle: Personal transportation has given me the freedom and independence to go where I want to go and to go there faster than necessary.