Monday, February 20, 2012

Political Blogs

I found a few political blogs on some websites including Politico and Daily Kos. I don't really read blogs or political news so this was a new experience. Daily Kos had an interesting blog called "Texas Really Hates Mitt Romney." The title sums up what it is about, as does the unflattering picture of Mitt Romney. According to the blog, Rick Santorum has gone from 1% to 45% while Mitt Romney remains at 16%. It is a short blog, as most of the ones I read were.

Political blogs appeal to emotion and not logic. They provoke feelings in people because they know that people are not often swayed from their political beliefs. The blogs reinforce their preconceived notions.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Middle Class Low-Techness

The story of Jill and Sally in Literate Live in the Information Age most resemble my own story of technology.  When I was a kid I remember using the computer labs in school to play math games and The Oregon Trail. The math games were fun and going to the computer lab was always cool. Like Jill and Sally, when I was a kid my parents bought a desktop pc for the family.  It was really crummy in today's standards but at the time it was awesome. It was a 1995 Windows HP. I mostly played computer games and demos of computer games. I also used it to write papers for school. We didn't get the internet until we bought a better computer in 2001.